2024 Seminar Schedule

  • Thursday, May the 16th, 2024. Time: 12:30

    Albert Solà Vilalta. Departament d'Estadística i Investigació Operativa. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

    This is What We Do


This is Wat We Do

SPEAKER: Albert Solà Vilalta


PLACE:  C5 Building, Fooma C5-016, Campus Nord, UPC, Barcelona. 
DATE: Thursday, May the 16th,  2024  Time: 12:30

ABSTRACT: In this talk I will present some of the research projects in which I am working, or I have been working recently. The goal is to discover sinergies with the DEIO seminar participans, as well as to promote future collaborations. I'll focus in the presentation of three different projects:  unified participation of energy communities into multiple electrical markets, optimal coordination of several energy storage units and decomposition methors, and economical implication and prospect for the sustainable development in Zambia.

The title of this talk is a tribute to the seminar that takes place at the University of Edinbrugh and at Heriot-Watt University under the same name, where researchers of both universities present their research interests to first year doctoral students to help them choosing the subject of their doctoral thesis.

ABOUT THE AUTOR:  Albert Solà Vilalta is a postdoctoral researcher ath the Statistics and Operations Research Department of  Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, where he will work as  Lecturer starting next September. His research interests include optimization and operations research aplications in energy transition and in sustainable development, decomposition techniques in optimization, and knowledge transfer within these areas. Previously, he has been a Maxwell Institute Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Knowledge Exchange at University of Edinburgh. He holds a PhD in Optimization and Operations Research by the University of Edibnburgh, a Masters degree in Mathematics from Bonn University, and a Bachelors' degree in Mathematics from Universitat de Barcelona.
