Oda a l'Estadística
El Sr. Anil Gore, profesor de l’Institute for Statistics Education i que viu a Pune, Índia, i alguns amics, han escrit i gravat una cançó titulada "Oda a l'Estadística" per donar suport a l’Any Internacional 2013.
La música ha estat composada pel Sr Ashish Kulkarni. La interpretació és a càrrec dels Sr Parashar Joshi, la Sra Pooja Tatwawadi i la Sra Megha Palkar.
Aquí la teniu, que la disfruteu i la expandiu !!!
Hail ye, Hail ye.
Hail fellows, happy news
Statistics is for everyone’s use
Daily weather and climate change
Statistics can provide the range
Floods and forest fires too
We can project and alert you
Up and down the roller coaster
Market prices take the swing
Way to manage this fiery dragon
Is with accurate forecasting
Sickness and epidemics all
Snake oilers and claims so tall
Right and wrong need sorting done
Statistics is the only one
Politicians and leaders great
Face periodic voter threat
Surveys and models and computers
Often guess the right answers
What’s life if not a complex puzzle?
Uncertainties and risks so sizzle
For riding the tiger, all ye braves
Numbers guide and statistics saves!