Karina Gibert

Full professor and Head Director of Intelligent Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Research Center (IDEAI-UPC) Dean of the Official Professional College of Informatics Engineering of Catalonia Data Mining, Data Science, KEMLg, eHealth, environmental applications, Hackingbullipedia, Intelligent Decision Support Systems, Preprocessing, Postprocessing, Knowledge Discovery from Data bases, Artificial Intelligence, ethics in AI, explainable AI


Campus Nord UPC
IDEAI research center

NexusII building

C/ Jordi Girona 29, 08034 Barcelona

Phone: +34 93 4017323
e-mail: karina.gibert(at)upc.edu

ORCID: 0000-0002-8542-3509

Scholar Google profile: profile   See bellow for a brief CV

Head of the Intelligent Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Research  Center, from Feb 2021

Dean of the Official Professional College on Informatics Engineering of Catalonia, from April 2023

IP of the INSESS-Project (insess-covid19.upc.edu, from may 2020)

Expert of the Catalonia.AI strategic plan from Nov 2018

Founder of donesCOEINF (May 2018-)

Founder of donesIAcat (March 8th, 2019)

Founder of Red de Mujeres del Sector Digital (Nov 25th, 2019)

Ambassador of Women in Data Science Barcelona 2022 (Standford), co-ambassador in 2021

Vicepresident of BCN chapter of women in ACM

Pioneer member of the research group KEMLG

Pioneer member of the research group KEMLG

Main interests:
Data Science, Knowledge Discovery from Databases, Data Mining,  Multivariate Statistics, Clustering, Artificial Intelligence, Explainable AI, AI and Ethics, Machine Learning, hybrid AI and Statistics Data Mining methods, Intelligent Decision Support Systems, Preprocessing, Postprocessing, Heterogeneous data analysis, health applications, environmental applications, Gender Gap in informatics engineering

Need your support:

  • Finalist of the European Social Services Awards, with project INSESS-COVID19. Please vote our project in this web for voting and contribute to make it win!!!!! To give us our vote: Register on the web; Go to category: Research Projects and vote for INSESS-COVID19. Thanks in advance!

More information:

Follow donesCOEINF on Twitter @Dcoeinf
Follow donesIAcat on Twitter @donesIAcat
Follow IDEAI on Twitter @IdeaiUPC


Brief CV

Prof. Karina Gibert [] (updated 25 jul 2022)

(get a picture for a Karina Gibert CV;

click here for a version in Catalan; click here for a version in Spanish;

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Karina is a Full Professor at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech (UPC), with a  permantent teaching position at UPC from1990. ORCID id: 0000-0002-8542-3509, H-index: 30 (https://www.eio.upc.edu/en/homepages/karina, karina.gibert@upc.edu,  Twitter: @karinagibertk). Bachelor and PhD in Informatics Engineering  with specialities in Computational Statistics and Artificial Intelligence.  Postgraduate in Higher Education Teaching (UPC, 1996).  Her main research interests are to extract strategic knowledge from data and intelligent systems from an ethical and explainable perspective . Expert ant co-writer of the Catalan Strategy for AI of the Catalan government, Catalonia.ai (from Oct 2018, Generalitat de Catalunya, enacting from Feb 2018, 28th) she participates in its current deployment (CIDAI, AIRA, CDA, OEIAC).

Service: Director and cofounder of the research center  Intelligent Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (IDEAI, en- 2018), former secretary of IDEAI (2017-2021). Dean of the Official Professional College  of Informatics Engineering of Catalonia (COEINF, June 2020-). Past ViceDean for Ethics and Equity (2020-2023, past vicedean for Big Data, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (COEINF) (May 2017-Jun 2020). Vicepresident of the Spanish General Council of Professional Colleges of Informatics Engineering (2023-). Member of the Committee for the Ethics of Data from Catalan Government, from 2021. Member of the Board of Directors of the Program in Health and AI of Catalan Government (2023-). Member of the Advisory Board of EIT-Artificial Intelligence (2023-). Expert from the Spanish Senate in AI ethics and digital transformation and Advisory Board of SEDIA for the  AI sandbox guides (2023). Advisor of WHO in characterizing mental health systems (2008-2010). Avisor of EC in ethics in AI (2019-2020)..

Very active in bridging the gender gap in the STEAM sector she founded up to 5 gender working groups (donesCOEINF, donesIAcat, donesIDEAI, Mujeres en Ingeniería Informática, donesIntercolcat). WiDS (Standford)  ambassador for Barcelona from 2021. Technological coordinator of critvirtual.com. Vicepresident of Barcelona Chapter of Women in ACM 2022. Editor of JRC journal Environmental Modeling and Software, Elsevier, (Jan 2018-).

Research; Her main research interests are to extract strategic knowledge from data and intelligent systems from an ethics and explainable perspective. IP from projects Diet4You project (TIN2014-60557-R, to assess on personalized diets for healthy life-styles and taking into account health, life styles and gene-expressions); INSESS-COVID19 project (CCD-COVID-L019) to discover new social vulnerabilities produced by COVID19 crisis; Top Rosies Talent (2022-) to create female talent in AI; ciutadanIA (may 2022-) to promote AI culture in society; researcher in   AI4EU (H2020-ICT-2018-2-RIA-825619) fo an European AI-on demand platform (2019-2022), GAVIUS on digital transformation of  social services  (2019-2023); SHAREBOX (circular economy and industrial symbiosis).  COFUND Postgraduate programm Ramon Llull (2023-). IP of the software development of KLASS (1989-, data sciente and AI tool) and KET (2017-), for collaborative evaluation of teaching activities). systems. She has long experience in the health and wellness domains , environmental systems and sustainability, tourism,  digital transformation and social and ethical uses of technology, among others, . Essential characteristics of her research are the multidisciplinarity, the externalization, the internationalization and technology transfer to society.

Awards: Women Tech Awars 2023. National Informatics Engineering Award in Digital Dissemination 2022 (Consejo Consejo General De Colegios Profesionales de Ingeniería Informática de España).  Ada Byron Award 2022, (ANoite Galicia Engineering school). Honorific Mention of Creu Casas award 2021 and 2022 women for changing world (Catalan Studies Institute), donaTIC 2018 Award in the academic/researcher category (Generalitat de Catalunya, Dec 2018). Finalist at AMETIC Awards 2021 for the project Top Secret Rosies. Finalist of European Social Services Awards 2021 fot the project INSESS-COVID19. First HackingBullipedia contest Award (nov 2013), related with the famous chef Ferran Adrià, with the project GENESIS: Intelligent decision support for creativity through evolutive analysis,  vimeo.com/78143348. “Highly accessed paper” distinction to HARPS 8(28)1:16.  EU-best e-Health European project Award to K4Care project (Feb 2010) for the high quality standards achieved. Elected Fellow from iEMSs (Jul 2007). WomenTech 2023 Award (Women360)

Societies and working groups: She is pioneer member of COEINF (1991-, member 345), ACIA (1995- ), iEMSs (int’l Environmental Modeling and Software society, 2002-), MIDAS (Spanish funded Network on Data Mining and Learning, 2002-), AMyC (interest group in Multivariate Analysis and Classification, a chapter of Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research, 2006- ), SoCE (Catalan Statistical Society, 2010- ), ATICA (spanish network for Computational Intelligence, 2014- ), Knowledge Engineering and Machine Learning (KEMLg, 1986), now part of IDEAI and head of the group in 2013-2016. Member of PSICOST Association, past member of Catalan Society for Mathematics (1995-2005), EUSFLAT (European Society for Fuzzy Logic) and she works to disseminate Data Science, Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining techniques to Spanish and international community and to application fields like, environment, health or e-comerce. Chair of the Advanced School on AI  ACAI-Tailor-IDEAI 2022, the CCIA2018 congress and DMTES workshop and session series inside iEMSs conference (2002- ). Del CCIA2018. Del WiDS-BCN2021 and 2022. Chair of the Women in Technological professionals Workshop, Barcelona, Dec 2019. Co-chair of the event Women in Tech: Professional inclusion, Barcelona, Feb 25th, 2019. She is also involved in promoting new female vocations in Informatics Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, and  promoting the role of women in Computer science and STEAM from 2017.



Links and Highlights

Positions and Awards


Scientific Production

  • View all Karina's publications in my Google Scholar profile
  • December 2018: Editor of the Special Issue on Environemental Data Science. Applications to Climate Change and Echological Footprint in Environmental Modelling and Software v 110. Elsevier
  • August 2018: Co-editor of the Special Issue on  Environmental Data Science.  Applications to Air pollution and Water Cycle  in Environmental Modelling and Software Journal, v 106 Elsevier.
  • December 9th, 2016: Editor of the Special Issue on Environmental Data Mining. AIComm v 29(6). IOSPress:  http://content.iospress.com/journals/ai-communications/29/6
  • January, 2015: Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence in the Catalan Association of Artificial Intelligence (AIComm v 28(1). IOSPress. http://content.iospress.com/journals/ai-communications/28/1
  • November 2006: Special Issue on Minería de Datos. Inteligencia Artificial. Revista Iberoamericana de IA v10(29). Springer


See bellow for a brief CV